


The Ultimate Anti-Aging Solution – More Than Your Skincare Routine

March 8, 2021

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Well, how many tips and guides have you tried when it comes to halting or turning back the inescapable aging process? Investing on bottles of skin care products, having adequate beauty sleeping,  consuming as much antioxidants, having regular active lifestyle more and more, but which actually work and what else can we do to reinstate the youthful glow that is our birth right?  In this article, we’re got to crack the code for y’all in breaking the spell of aging to get that ageless beauty naturally.

Having to do with skin aging, there are two types including intrinsic aging and extrinsic aging. Intrinsic aging refers to the natural process of our chronological aging. On the other hand, extrinsic aging is triggered by external oxidative factors such UV exposure, tobacco, alcohol, pollutants, stress, illness, diet.

Amongst the oxidative stresses, the main culprit which contributes the most to skin aging is UV exposure namely photoaging that is caught responsible for 80% throughout our aging process. As much as we are told to apply sunscreens to protect our skin from the merciless UV damages, UV exposure still generates toxins and ROS (reactive oxygen species) which could be penetrated into our skin dermis layer, affecting the most sensitive cells – epidermal stem cells.


Then as well, as we age over time exposing ourselves to all sorts of oxidative stresses, the formation of cross-linked molecules is accumulated namely AGEs (advanced glycation end-products), modifying the structure and the properties of proteins and destructing our skin collagen matrix which further leads to all that unfavourable aging signs – wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne marks, saggy skin, dry skin, large pores, uneven and dull complexion.

With the eternal quest of chasing beauty, have you ever feel that no matter how much you have done, it is never enough? We have the answer for you. BLOUV has step up the age defying quest introducing the newest oral beauty serum, EDISERUM that works the wonder in addressing all aging concerns all-in-one.

Revolutionising the topical beauty regimen, EDISERUM formula made up with an array of efficacious natural active ingredients, designed to be taken orally to bestow essential nutrients to boost your beauty potential inside out. By dietary consumption, the essential nutrients are to be carried optimally from head-to-toe without needing to concern the downside of topical solutions – low permeability to penetrate into the skin, depending on different factors such as molecular size, timescale of permeation, thickness and components of the skin etc.

What is more, EDISERUM formula is powered by grape stem cell, an effective clinically proven ingredient in fighting photoaging (80% of skin aging) to protect epidermal stem cell from UV damages and strengthen skin tolerance towards UV exposure. Combining with other powerful natural active ingredients such Sakura extract, tremella extract, hydrolysed collagen tripeptide, grape seed extract, vitamin C and more, EDISERUM formula is supercharged with multi-benefits featuring hefty anti-aging properties, anti-glycation properties, antioxidants, anti-inflammation and even anti-dehydration.

Berries flavoured goodness be-youth-ifully packed into on-the-go in sachets to erase all sort of aging signs and restore vital, poreless, supple, bouncy and natural radiant skin.

Shoutout to all glow-getters! Start your daily dose of glow with EDISERUM.

Get it with one-off purchase or enjoy the best deal by subscribing to our monthly plan, billed monthly, no commitment, cancel anytime.


Written by : BLOUV

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