


5 Anti-Aging Tips To Reclaim Your Youthful Glow

February 27, 2021

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Knowing that aging is a natural process that is inevitable in our lives. As much as we all have mixed feelings towards aging process, it is undeniably to let aside our wishes to halt or turn back the clock. In this article, let us share some essential tips for you to get better with age with the right care.


1. Clean Your Skin Properly

Always remember to cleanse your skin properly after long hours of skin care appliances, makeup appliances and outdoor exposure! Cleansing is a very important step you should not skip to remove any skin care & make up products, and all that dirt, dusts, pollutants, bacteria, natural skin oils and impurities accumulated from exposing yourselves outdoor in the day. Having clean skin is the basic foundation to prevent free radicals from creating visible aging signs.


2. Protection From Sun Exposure

Just so you know, research shows that “UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible aging signs.” Such aging signs are loss of skin elasticity, pigmentation, large pore size, fine lines, wrinkles etc. Therefore, always apply sunscreen in the daytime to safeguard your skin from all that merciless sun damage.



3. Consume More Antioxidants & Powerful Nutrients

When it comes to combat aging, we all know the important need to fight the main aging culprit – oxidative stress. By doing so, you are encouraged to consume more anti-aging foods which are packed with antioxidants and powerful nutrients such as berries, grapes, citrus, green tea, avocado, salmon, leafy greens and more. Nourish your body with the right food to strengthen the ability in fighting radicals to delay aging and your vital, radiant looking skin.


4. Practice Healthy Lifestyle

Yeah, we know quitting smoking is not an easy task! However, tobacco consumption is a big no-no when it comes to prevent aging. Try to reduce or limit alcohol consumption, adapt regular exercise and have adequate sleep. If you wish to slow down the clock, you’ve got to feed, rest and recharge your body the right way.


5. Add BLOUV EDISERUM To Your Beauty Regimen

To achieve the ultimate goal of defying aging, take BLOUV EDISERUM, the newest oral skincare serum that is specially formulated to address skin aging concerns all around. BLOUV EDISERUM beauty formula is made up of an array of clinically proven efficacious natural ingredients, packed with potent anti-aging properties, antioxidants and different essential nutrients. It helps to strengthen skin barrier against free radicals and oxidative stresses, stimulate the production of collagen and HA (Hyaluronic Acid) in skin fibroblasts, rebuild skin structure all the way from inside out to prevent & erase all signs of aging – wrinkles, fine lines, pore issues, age spots, dull and uneven complexion.

Dissolve a sachet or two a day or pop em into your mouth directly is all you need to reclaim your very own natural youthful glow!

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Flament et al., Effect of the sun on visible clinical signs of aging in Caucasian skin. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol, 2013, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24101874


Written by : BLOUV

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